Cornice Portable view your images anywhere

. Saturday, October 17, 2009
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Cornice is a cross-platform image viewer written in Python + wxPython + PIL. It doesn't pretend to be complete, fast, or even useful, but I like it and it is the viewer I use on both Linux and Windows. It has been inspired by the famous Windows-only ACDSee.

Why did I write it? Well, because I like ACDSee, but it's not free and it doesn't run on Linux, which is my main platform. There already exists an ACDsee-like viewer, GTKSee, but it is unmaintained and it lacks some features I wanted (bookmarks, a good keyboard navigation and zooming). First I tried to add such features to it, but then I decided to rewrite it from scratch, so that I could use it also on windows (and also because I had some troubles, especially when trying to port GTKSee to the gdk_pixbuf lib, and also because Python is more fun than C, and... ;-)

NEWS: Development of Cornice has stopped. See the Development section below for more details.
Here is a list of the main features of Cornice:

    * Fully cross-platform: it should run wherever wxPython does;
    * Detail and thumbnail view for images;
    * Image preview;
    * Automatic recognition of images, with a variety of formats supported;
    * Bookmarks;
    * Full-screen view;
    * Zooming and rotation;
    * Slideshow;
    * Good keyboard navigation (still not perfect, but this is true for all the features ;-);
    * Image loading from zip archives;
    * i18n support (with Italian and French translations available);
    * EXIF data support;
    * Some more...

Download Cornice Portable version here

Dowload latest Cornice Portable version: here