Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3 Portable: your browser, your way... in your pocket™

. Saturday, October 24, 2009
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Firefox 3.5 hardly includes any outstanding features, at least regarding the browser's external appearance. Web developers though will be glad to know that the new Firefox supports CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 properties, has improved Web standards in the Gecko layout engine and now features a much more efficient Tracemonkey JavaScript engine, which means that websites will now load significantly faster.
But what about the average Firefox user who spend a few hours every day browsing the web? Well, there are certainly a few new features that make the new Firefox even easier and more comfortable to use. One of them is the Awesome bar, which has been improved and now accepts special characters with which you can filter and narrow your searches. Browsing history has also been enhanced, with new tools to clear browsing traces from just the past two or four hours, or from a specific website only thanks to the "Forget about this site" option.
Other interesting features included in Firefox 3.5 are the Private Browsing mode (which lets you browse the web without leaving any traces behind) and support for Open Video, which enables you to right-click on certain videos and access extended options to control,
Video integration has also been improved in this version of Firefox. When you open certain videos, you’ll able to right-click to display options that allow you to control, save or send the video, among others. Flash videos don't seem to be supported though.
The new Firefox 3.5 includes many new exciting features that will make your web browsing even more enjoyable.
OS requirements: Win2000/NT/XP/Vista/7 .
(Review by
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3 Portable here
  • Latest Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3 Portable here